When the carrier you work with has assigned a survey for you to complete, you will be notified via email and Pulse App notification - read more about each method below.
Once you have accessed the Pulse App or pulse.tenstreet.com the survey will be accessible under the Tasks icon. Watch this clip to see how you can find your assigned survey (task) in Pulse and what it looks like to complete.
- Email - Email sent from noreply@tenstreet.com to the email address we have on file. The link in the email will take you to the Pulse app or pulse.tenstreet.com to complete the survey.
- Pulse App - If you have the Pulse App downloaded on your mobile device with push notification enabled, you will receive Push notification notifying them that you've been assigned a new task. Clicking on the notification will open the Pulse App. Need to download the Pulse App? Click here.